

I just got to a great blog of a very talented and nice girl.Her name is Liz and this is her blog address:

Liz Kalloch Art and Design

Her blog inspired me to create this post and follow her to become more sociable and keep track of my goals.

This is the list of my goals in March:

I hope that I had done better but, this was a  very encouraging experience for me that helped me actually make a lot of progress. Thanks to keeping track with this post, I got 3 new website customers, 3 students for Photoshop private classes and two big photo-shoot  booked before the middle of next week!

1.- Finish my website design ( I have not finish it yet, but I made much progress)

2.- Create new web designs (at least 10) to post on my website. ( 6 finished)

3.- Contact at least 6 new possible customers via phone, email, etc.( I did contact them and the results are 3 new customers!)

4.- Keep track of my emails and my Google calendar. ( This has been very helpful to me to keep every appointment and become more organized)

5.- Finish St. Patrick’s day digital album. Did not have time to do this  😦

6.- Post the freebie St. Patrick’s day digital album on my blog.  Nope

7.- Finish Spring digital kit. This was done, and I think people liked them 😉

8.- Publish the Spring digital kit on my blog. Yes!

6.- Post my Photoshop services (photo restoration, photography mounting, designs, etc.)on my blog, Facebook, and website. Have not finished this. But, I got 3 more private Photoshop classes so I have been very busy !

8 thoughts on “Goals

  1. You got some great goals there Adriana and I am positive you will do well following them all (and seeing your new designs).

    Contacting new customers I find to be nerve wracking as I can be a little shy so I stick to meeting people at the local markets I frequent and sell my works and and good old word of mouth. Good luck with contacting the new 6. New customers are always the best especially if they become regular customers.

    Look forward to reading how it all goes!


  2. Hi Adriana! Although I’m waaaay late, I wanted to say welcome to the meetup, I’ve found it to be incredible helpful to keeping me on track.

    I love your website design, it’s so light and bright! Good luck on your goals!

    • Hi Candy,

      I did not finish all my goals so I feel a little down. I’ll have to post about my progress very soon.
      Thank you for your encouragement. I made my own background bright design because I wanted something happy and springy.
      Visit me again any time.

  3. Pingback: April’s Goals | adrianacreations

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